
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Fault In Our Stars: A review by Penny R

  The Fault In Our Stars by John Green is a YA fiction novel about healing, romance, and illness that is known worldwide and has sold over 23 million copies. The book opens by introducing Hazel, the main character. Hazel has just gotten over life-threatening thyroid cancer and has severe depression. Her mother asks her to go to a support group with other cancer survivors, where everyone quickly introduces themselves and begins to talk about their experiences. These support group sessions usually turn out to be the same every time. One day Isaac, a boy in the support group, brings his friend Augustus. Both boys had cancer around the same time and have been friends for a while. When they're walking outside, he tells her she looks like the gorgeous celebrity Natalie Portman. At this point, I started to love their relationship and how worry-free it seemed; like the epitome of teenage love. Augustus and Hazel continue to talk, and at a point in the conversation, Augustus pulls out a ci

Yugioh 1-6: A review on the original manga series - Henry

 Yu-Gi-Oh! (literally "king of games" in Japanese) is a manga series written by Kazuki Takahashi in 1997. The story focuses on a boy named Yugi Muto, who is one piece away from solving the hardest puzzle he has ever encountered, the millennium puzzle, and it is said that no one has solved it in 1000 years. After solving the puzzle, Yugi wears the pyramid-shaped puzzle as a necklace, but little does he know, that it holds the spirit of a pharaoh which can possess him at times. The story continues around Yugi and his friends encountering new games and evil people who abuse them. This results in Yugi transforming into the pharaoh-possessed Dark Yugi and playing penalty games with them. Penalty games are special magical games where the loser or cheater gets punished by dark magic. These games show the "darkness" and evil inside the hearts of people with everyone either losing to Dark Yugi or cheating and getting punished.  Since Dark Yugi played many games like this thr

Flags of Our Fathers by James Bradley - Alberto R

  In this memorable account of what is arguably the most iconic moment in American military history, James Bradley has skillfully depicted the greatness, the victory, the sorrow, and the enduring impact of the six individuals who raised the flag at Iwo Jima. This story shows the real story behind the iconic photograph that has come to represent the bravery and unwavering determination of the United States. During February of 1945, American Marines charged into the shores of Iwo Jima, and beginning a bloody battle that would go on to last 36 days. Amid a relentless barrage of machine gun and mortar fire, which left their comrades scattered across the shores, they fought their way to the island's highest mountain; Mount Suribachi . Scaling a landscape that resembled a nightmare, they raised the American flag. Now, the son of one of the flag-raisers has told a powerfull story about six young men of diverse backgrounds who converged in a moment that will endure for eternity. John Bradl

Legend by: Marie Lu Book Review!! Abby Bello

       Everyone has that special book or book series that changed the reading game for them. I feel like mine was the Legend trilogy by Marie Lu. One adventurous day in my seventh grade literature class we took a trip to the library and I decided to take a risk and check out a new book series. Before this I had never read a science fiction novel and actually enjoyed it. Legend by Marie Lu  is set in the future Los Angeles, United States that they now call the Republic. This book follows the main character June and her adventures as the youngest prodigy in their military. She is set up for success because of her family and her wealth but is also under pressure when she is sent on a mission to arrest the most wanted criminal in the slums. This is when she meets Day, the main suspect for her older brother Metias’s death. As these two fight each other for their families more things are uncovered and friendships are made but some also break. I would totally recommend this book! It isn’t the

Solitaire: Book Review by Penny R.

  Summary Solitaire  by Alice Oseman is a fictional novel about mental illnesses and self- improvement. The book opens from the perspective of Tori Spring. She has a pretty normal friend group, including her best friend, Becky, but never wants to socialize or hang out with the people around her. One day, she notices a line of post- it notes all around the school, leading to somewhere unknown in the school. She follows the trail for days, eventually leading into a small room with a post -it that says A boy named Michael Holden shows up, and Tori is irked by him immediately. He has the bubbliest personality of anyone Tori has ever met. As soon as she goes home, too, her younger brother and his boyfriend confirm rumors of Michael causing trouble at Truham. So that's it. Case closed.  But Tori can't seem to stop running into Michael. As the only other person who's even a little bit interested in Solitaire, he shows up all the time. Solitaire also begins to grow