Star Wars vs Harry Potter by Henry G

 Star Wars and Harry Potter are two of the most iconic fantasy novel and movie series. While these two series may seem quite different at first, with one using wands, and the other using lightsabers, the main character in both series actually have quite a lot in common. First off, both Harry and Luke did not grow up with their parents because they were dead (or believed to be). Instead, they were raised by their aunts and uncles and later taken away by an old man from a secret organization related to their parents. At the end, both characters eventually defeat the villain who is somehow related to their family. Harry's parents, who were wizards, were killed and Harry was raised by his aunt and uncle. Then, Hagrid takes him and introduces him to the wizarding world, where he would follow the footsteps of his parents and eventually defeat Voldemort, who killed his parents. Luke's parents were also dead or believed to be dead and Luke grew up with his aunt and uncle in a fairly normal life. Then, Obi-Wan Kenobi took him and introduces him to the Jedi order, which Luke's father belonged to. Luke would follow his father footsteps and become a Jedi. In the end, Luke realized that Darth Vader was his father turned evil, and Luke manages to turn him to the light side before his defeat and death. In the end, while Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker may seem like two very different characters, they actually have a lot more in common then most people think.


  1. The comparisons between the two characters are shown well with this post. The similar "hero's journeys" are evident once you think about the two overall plots.

  2. Nice observations, I never realized how similar those stories are

    1. I totally agree with that. Typically when you think of either book you never come across to how similar the plots and two characters are.

  3. Wow, never thought of Star wars and Harry Potter being similar. I never really liked Harry Potter but I might need to rewatch it.

  4. Hey Henry, very interesting take on these two series. Nice job

  5. Thanks for educating me abt Star Wars, I really never knew much abt the overall plot of the saga, so I appreciate the summary.

  6. I was going to do this as a blog, to bad you did it first

  7. I love this post. It really makes me realize how similar fantasy is to sci-fi. (But I do prefer Star Wars)

  8. A good analysis of both stories, and finding some good similarities. Maybe J.K. Rowling indeed has some external influence??!!!

  9. Very interesting how you managed to connect these two stories! Good job!

  10. Fabulous book review, Henry! I never knew Star Wars and Harry Potter could be so similar.

  11. I liked the connection you made between Star Wars and Harry Potter! The similarities in a "hero's journey" are evident here. Nice Blog Henry!


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