Six of Crows: A review by Penny R

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo is a YA fiction novel about adventure and romance. The main plot is about a group of uncouth thieves who get sent on an impossible mission to retrieve a high value target for a small fortune.

This book is set in Ketterdam, a city inspired by the Netherlands. It’s in the same universe as her other series, Shadow and Bone. A band of thieves named the Crows led by Kaz Brekker are the most feared band in Ketterdam. One day, Kaz is convinced to break into the Fjerdan Ice Palace and capture scientist Bo Yu-Bayur for a large sum of money. Councilman Van Eck believes Bo Yu-Bayur will use the drug he created to make an invincible Grisha army, despite the side effects of the drug. However, Kaz only decides to do it because of the small fortune he’s offered, which he can use to defeat the local gangster that killed his brother, Pekka Rollins, with. 

Six people in the crew tell the story from their various perspectives, which really adds to the depth of the story. Inej is a former acrobat who was kidnapped and is now part of the Crows. She and Kaz have had suppressed feelings for each other for a long time. Nina is a Grisha who can alter people’s physical and emotional states, which is a very useful power. Nina and Matthias, a Fjerdan soldier who is in prison, used to have feelings for each other that have been destroyed since Nina put Matthias in prison. Jesper, a longtime figure in the Crows, and Wylan Van Eck, the son of Councilman Van Eck, are also included in the Crows. While a lot of information is given at first with not much context, it makes it a lot more interesting than some of the other books I’ve reviewed.

Generally, I think this book is very enjoyable. It covers a lot of things I like in a book, like romance, fantasy, and general suspense. It moves quite fast and is very easy to read. However, the ending of the book was very sudden and had a lot of plot twists that didn't make much sense. The cliffhanger at the end has made me really excited to read the sequel, Crooked Kingdom, which I'm sure will be as good as the first book. It was also pretty satisfying to read, and is generally a fun book for pretty much anyone that likes fantasy, romance, or adventure. There is a copy in Mr. Mitchell's library in Kenney, so feel free to check it out! I would rate this book an 8/10.


  1. Wow, thanks for the recommendation! I think i will really enjoy this book. this seems like an interesting read, i will take it from the shelf today :)

  2. I really need to actually read this book and this review is definitely encouraging! Thanks for your thoughts, it sounds really interesting!


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